2024-03-25 23:10:17






第十七屆黃麗麗獎得主鄭素芳教授2007-2013年擔任臺灣大學物理治療學系系主任,2011-2017擔任臺灣物理治療學會理事長,在臺灣物理治療教育改革與執業自主性的提升上均扮演重要角色。此外,鄭教授也增加臺灣物理治療在國際的能見度,她在擔任世界物理治療聯盟副理事長(2023迄今)之前,即積極參與聯盟與區域事務,20072011年期間擔任阿姆斯特丹世界物理治療聯盟大會國際學術委員、2011-2017年間擔任世界物理治療聯盟亞太區域財務長2017-2023年間擔任亞太區域主席。而她於2018年主辦的南亞兒童健康計畫、2022年協助臺灣物理治療學會與扶輪社共同推動的越南計畫合作案,所展現的Taiwan Can Help』的精神,更是傳承黃麗麗老師精神的最佳典範。

Congratulations to Professor Suh-Fang Jeng for winningthe 17th Lily Huang Award of the Taiwan Physical Therapy Association (TPTA)!

Professor Suh-Fang Jeng is currently the Professor of the School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy at National Taiwan University and the Vice President of World Physiotherapy. She has won the Lily Huang Award at the annual conference of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) on March 23, 2024. Professor Jeng’s professional expertise is in pediatricphysiotherapy and early intervention. She has devoted herself in the development of the PT profession for the past 30 years, not only in Taiwan but also around the world.

Professor Wendy Wang, the President of TPTA, said Professor Jeng won the award because she has extended her enthusiasm from the physiotherapy profession to health care issues, from Taiwan to the world. She has actively promoted the profession and cultivated young therapists through various channels, including clinicalpractice, education, and research; she continues to advocate and promote the profession; and she alsoestablishes international networks and partnerships to assist countries with limited resources. The Lily HuangAward is well deserved for Professor Jeng.

The Lily Huang Award is the highest honor for Taiwan physiotherapists. This award is designated to memorize Professor Lily Huang, the first batch of physiotherapists trained in Taiwan. Physiotherapy education in Taiwan began with the assistance of missionary physiotherapists sent from overseas and WHO personnels in the 1960s.Professor Huang graduated in 1971 from National Taiwan University, among the first intake of a 4-year BSc program, and immediately, she devoted herself and her entire life to the development of the profession and education. To commemorate her passion, contribution, and significance in Taiwan's physiotherapy profession, TPTA has set up the Lily Huang Award since 1991 to encourage more physiotherapists to follow her steps and also make themselves the best examples for future physiotherapists in Taiwan and the world.

Professor Jeng has played a very important role in educational reform and advocating professional autonomy during her role as the chair of School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy, National Taiwan University from 2007 to 2013 and the president of TPTA from 2011 to 2017. She has also advocated sharing Taiwan experience to benefit the world and enhanced the global visibility of Taiwan. The PEDS program in 2018 for collaborative care for better neonatal health in South Asia was one of her great legacies as physiotherapists in Taiwan and best example of “Taiwan Can Help” in returning the international favors that helped nurturing Taiwan’s physiotherapy profession.    

